RARA book by Shirley Fine Lee shows beasts can come out at meetings
Released on: March 25, 2008, 12:55 pm
Press Release Author: S.Lee
Industry: Management
Press Release Summary: The meeting management book "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach" by Shirley Fine Lee shows examples of the beastly attitudes some people can't help but display in meetings. The book explains what may be behind the beastly behaviors and ways to curtail them.
Press Release Body: In Shirley Fine Lee's book "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard\'s Approach ", in addition to noting how Roles, Agenda, Records, and Actions components of her approach should provide more productive meetings, the author highlights beastly problems that may occur in meetings and how to handle them. The ways in which people or situations can derail a meeting are attributed to various types of animals in the book. Ms. Lee notes the visible behavior, what the reasons behind the behavior may be, and what may be done by others in the meeting to change the behavior in both current and future situations.
Four examples of the nine beasts are: - Growling Bears are people who argue during a meeting and therefore stress out the other attendees. - Rabbit Trails occur when meeting members jump around from subject to subject and get the meeting off-track. - Wolf Packs are pairs or a small group of people within the meeting who follow their own agenda rather the common agenda for the meeting. - Sleeping Possums refers to those moments when prolonged silence falls upon the group.
Learn to handle these beastly problems by checking out this book. Use the "search inside this book" feature to preview the contents of book R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard\'s Approach on www.Amazon.com by searching for ISBN 1-4196-5367-9 or author's name. Find information on the author, Shirley Fine Lee, and links to book reviews on her website at www.ShirleyFineLee.com. The author also offers free tips, productivity articles, and an electronic newsletter on her website.
Web Site: http://www.ShirleyFineLee.com
Contact Details: See author\'s website for contact information.
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